establish, land

And elevate.

 13-week COMPREHENSIVE coaching program

How many are you accepting?

13-week coaching program schedule

What's the program timeline for applications?

week 1 | LIVE Group zoom call | branding identity workshop 

Week 2 | pre-recorded website reviews

week 3 | LIve group zoom call | Tax planning live q&a with special guest, darren baker from baker accounting

Week 4 | pre-recorded video lecture | building a portfolio that will book

Week 5 | Live group zoom call | marketing for ROI with special guest, Coastal collective

Week 6 | PRE-RECORDED VIDEO LECTURE | Networking your way up the ladder

Week 7 | Live group zoom call | pricing from a planner's perspective live q&a with trista croce, bts by luxury

Week 8 | PRE-RECORDED VIDEO LECTURE | how we structure our pricing and add-ons

Week 9 | LIVE GROUP ZOOM CALL | pricing guide live reviews

Week 10 | PRE-RECORDED VIDEO LECTURE | inquiry to booking: communication and pricing presentation

Week 11 | LIVE GROUP ZOOM CALL | consultation timeline and inquiry to booking live q&A

Week 12 | PRE-RECORDED VIDEO LECTURE | our client experience from start-to-finish

Week 13 | LIVE GROUP ZOOM CALL | flow of a wedding day with live q&A: how we manage a team and shoot the weekend

Week 13.1 | 1-on-1 live q&A zoom calls

June 17th - applications open
june 25th - applications close
July 1st - coaching program slack community opens
july 8th - program launch | first live group zoom call begins

live group zoom meetings will be scheduled based on applicants schedules. weekday meetings only. We are going to try to accomodate best we can to get everyone on the calls, but if you have to miss it, the group zoom zoom meetings will be recorded and uploaded to watch back later.

establish your brand identity, land your dream clients,
and elevate your entire workflow.

After launching our first coaching program just a few months back, we've learned alot about the impact we want to make moving forward. We've tailored this program based on past attendee feedback and alloted more time to directly tailor your needs and make an impact on the direction you're taking your business.

This coaching program is our way to get you the hands-on and custom help you need to scale your business within 13-weeks. 

Including pre-recorded video lectures, bi-weekly live calls with hannah and emma, LIve guest speaker Q&As, pricing guide reviews, end of the program 1-on-1s, this coaching program is specifically designed to get you personalized feedback and results.


we're accepting only 15 seats on a hand-selected application basis. this program is exclusive to wedding photographers and wedding videographers.

WGY 13-week coaching program

so With that, we're giving you the full schedule ahead of time.

no fluff. no secrets. We're leaving nothing on the table.

who is this coaching program for?

- struggling to attract high-paying clients

- feeling overwhelmed with the business side and need to streamline your processes

- determined to elevate your craft and stand out in a saturated market

- facing challenges with your pricing and need expert advice

- motivated to build a strong personal brand that resonates with your target audience

- seeking personalized feedback from industry experts

- eager to be apart of a small community 

If you're a wedding photographer or viDeographer,

15 spots available. $1,500.

applications open now.

weekly education. bi-weekly live group calls. 3 special guests. slack community.

7 bi-weekly Live group zoom calls. 6 pre-recorded video lectures. 1, 1-on-1 live zoom Q&A.


how long will i have access to all the meetings?

Both the live group zoom meetings and the pre-recorded video lectures will be available to you 4 months past our last meeting date. This means, if you're schedule gets busy for a few weeks during our coaching program, you can always come back and watch the sessions later without feeling rushed.

How is this coaching program different than your last?

we'll be super honest. our last (and first) coaching program, we learned alot. this upcoming program, we're allocating significantly more time for questions and personalized feedback in the group zoom calls, as well as adding in double the education. We've also brought on three guests who are expert in their field to come join us for group sessions and get you the answers to questions you've been searching for.

we don't want this program to feel like a "weekly lecture", we really want you to get the exact help and direction you're needing in your business while in a group setting where you can learn from others too.

How will the guest speaker calls work?

during our coaching program, you'll get to chat with Certified public accountant, digital marketing agency, and luxury wedding planner on pricing.

each member inside the coaching call will be pre-submitting questions they've been wanting to ask anonymously that will be answered during our live group zoom meetings. these calls will be less presentation and more direct help for those who attend the call.

meet our guest speakers

Trista croce

Darren Baker


Coastal Collective



Certified public accountant

establish your brand identity, land your dream clients, and elevate your entire workflow.

no fluff. no secrets
We're leaving nothing on the table.


“Emma and Hannah provided SO much information!"


Jessie madden

“Emma and Hannah provided SO much information! They truly gave all of their secrets during this three month time and it has made my business 100x better even in this short amount of time. I'm now going through a COMPLETE rebrand and, thanks to their advice, it is not as scary as I thought it would be because their feedback was so specific. I really enjoyed the Slack community they offered for when we weren't meeting to bounce ideas off of not just them, but the other attendees. It made it feel really collaborative. They did a fantastic job of making it a group while also still feeling they paid attention to us individually!”

“Being able to ask any questions, and direct feedback to our website and work was game-changing."


stanley and allie

"Having direct access to Hannah & Emma has been incredible. Being able to ask any questions, and direct feedback to our website and work was game-changing. Lots of awesome little and big nuggets to use and learn from!"

“One of the best investments you will make in your business/filmmaking career,"


Alex Pizarro productions

“Emma & Hannah were supportive and helpful with any questions I had for my business, as they look over my branding and how to improve to attract the right clients. They provided lots of insights on what I needed to improve on to scale my business. I really like the amount of knowledge and experience they had to provide. Also their available resources they shared is worth every penny. I would highly recommend in investing on a mentorship call with both of them!”

"Their guidance has already made a significant impact, and we feel more confident in navigating the intricacies of our business."


Kolby and Sara, The Copes Duo

"It was truly invaluable for our small business. Both Hannah & Emma exuded kindness and encouragement throughout the session. Emma’s insights on refining our social media presence and portfolio were eye-opening, providing us with a clear direction on how to succeed in these crucial areas. On the same note, Hannah’s expertise shone through as she offered informative advice on enhancing our website and optimizing our pricing strategy. We highly recommend the mentorship sessions from We Got You – it’s a game-changer! Thank you dearly, ladies, for your time and encouragement."

"They helped give me more confidence in my business and walked me through restructuring my pricing and nailing down my client workflow."


myla garlitz photos

"Emma and Hannah are absolutely phenomenal! They provide such amazing and invaluable education for FREE through their podcast. I wanted a bit more extensive education beyond the WGY pod, so reached out to them for a mentorship and it could not have gone better. It was so great to meet the both of them, they were so sweet and extremely helpful. They helped give me more confidence in my business and walked me through restructuring my pricing and nailing down my client workflow. I recommend a mentorship with these lovely girls 1000% !!"

APPLY NOW. APplications close on Tuesday, june 25th.